
Essential Life Solutions

Life Insurance You Don’t Have to Die to Use

There are many different insurance products out there, like the ones I’ve outlined below. Call or email me to discuss your goals and customize a solution for your life. We’ll make sure you get the right plan for your financial future.

Permanent Life

Whole life, universal life, and indexed universal life plans provide life-long coverage with a death benefit and cash accumulation that you can use for illness, retirement, and unexpected loss.

Term Life

Protect your loved ones from financial distress in the event of your death with temporary coverage at a consistent premium.

Fixed and Indexed Annuities

Boost your savings, coverage, and retirement income with annuities that carry the same living benefits as our other life insurance plans.

Business Protection/Key Person

Protect your business from financial strain and setbacks if a key player is incapacitated.

Buy/Sell Agreement

Prepare a clean and clear transfer of business interest upon the death, disability, withdrawal, or retirement of an owner.

Executive Bonus Plan

Give yourself a tax advantage that rewards you and your primary associates, contributes to your retirement, and provides living benefits.

Let’s talk about how living benefits
can change your future.